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Customer Experience Preview

This preview helps you get an understanding of what your customers will see when they get a review request.

Let’s get a few terms straight before we get started.

Review request flowThe order and timing that review requests are sent to customers. Different types of review requests will sent at different points in the flow.
Review request typeA review request with a particular theme or objective that is sent at a specific spot in the review request flow
TemplateThe layout and text a customer sees when they are sent a review request. Each review request type can have multiple templates. Read more about why there are multiple templates.

The Customer Experience Preview section shows every type of review request that is part of the review request flow.

You can see the review request flow article for more information on how each type is used.

For each type of review request there is a description and a list of templates. Templates for both contact methods (SMS text and email) are shown.

Each of the templates listed is a link to an interactive preview of that template. Follow the link to see the customer experience for yourself.

The Google review link Simple RM uses behaves differently for the owners of business listings. Read more about this here.

Explore the templates as much as you would like, nothing you do when interacting with the preview will affect any of the stats in your account.

This is also the place to see how changes you make to the display settings affect the look of your review requests.

Account Dashboard Intro